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Twitterrific 5 For Twitter 5 2 3

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Twitter你的方式 - 一个干净,整洁的时间表,只是你关心的内容,推特是按照时间顺序呈现的,其他人的喜好则不在你的时间轴上。
专为macOS设计 - Twitterrific感觉就像在Mac上的家一样,支持通知中心,Retina显示,内置共享,美丽的动画,全屏模式,等等。
时间轴嘉豪 - 控制你的微博与来自同一个帐户或多个帐户的多个时间轴窗口,所有在您的Mac桌面上组织。
完全可访问性 - 浏览时间表,撰写推文,甚至使用Voice Over功能快速轻松地添加图像描述。
在风格 - Twitterrific的外观面板支持主题,让你自定义字体和字体大小,甚至让你控制媒体如何出现在时间轴上。
随处读取 - 无论您在iPhone,iPad或其他Mac上使用Twitterrific,该应用程序都会自动同步您的阅读位置,以获得无缝的Twitter体验。

通过iCloud,从Twitterrific for iOS同步的消音和静音

We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. When you launch Twitterrific 5 you're prompted to grant permission for it to use your Twitter accounts, and then for you to add an account or accounts to Twitterrific 5. It's done simply and elegantly. And then you're in the app. Twitterrific has always been about reading Twitter, and Twitterrific 5.


添加键盘快捷键切换线程/回复选项卡:选项 - 选项卡'

Twitterific has been re-imagined from the ground up to be the Mac's most friendly, powerful and modern Twitter client. Twitterrific makes Twitter fun.
Twitter Your Way – A clean, uncluttered timeline featuring just the content you care about; tweets are presented in chronological order and other people's likes aren't placed in your timeline.
Designed for macOS – Twitterrific feels right at home on the Mac, with support for Notification Center, Retina displays, built-in sharing, beautiful animations, full-screen mode, and more.
Timelines Galore – Take control of your tweets with multiple timeline windows from the same account or multiple accounts, all organized on your Mac's desktop.
Full Accessibility – Navigate the timeline, compose tweets, and even attach image descriptions quickly and easily using Voice Over.
Tweet In Style – Twitterrific's appearance panel supports themes, lets you customize fonts and type sizes, and even lets you control how media appears in the timeline.
Read Anywhere – Whether you use Twitterrific on your iPhone, iPad, or another Mac, the app automatically syncs your reading position for a seamless Twitter experience.
Simple to use, easy to understand
True multi-account/multi-window support
View mentions, messages, and favorites quickly and easily
Timeline syncing of reading position across all platforms via iCloud
System-wide alerts for mentions and direct messages via Notification Center
Fully accessible via VoiceOver
Support for Retweet (RT) and Quoted tweets
Quick access to Emoji when composing new tweets
Autocompletion of usernames and hashtags while editing tweets
View Twitter saved searches and lists
Check out global and local trending topics
Browse conversation threads between users
Support for tweet storms and chained tweet threads
Quickly Delete and Edit your own tweets
Translate tweets to your native language
Helpful color-coding of tweet types
In-app media viewing for images, animated GIFs, Instagram and more
Share a tweet with actions for email, Messages, Safari Reading List and more
Muffles and mutes synced from Twitterrific for iOS via iCloud
Robust in-app media viewer with detachable popovers
Customize the appearance of media in the timeline or hide it completely
View user profiles including past tweets, likes and mentions
Follow and unfollow other users directly from their user profile
Block and report spammers with a single click
Theme control (light or dark)
Font size and type face control
Robust keyboard control

Version 5.2.3
Plugged another memory leak, added chronological threads, fixed upside-down profile banners, and more

Threads now always display in chronological order for consistency
Toggling retweet/like now updates the UI immediately
Re-positioned the unread indicator dot after the timestamp (less distracting)
Added a Report Abuse option to the Action ⋯ menu
Copy-protected Twitter videos open in browser instead of showing static image
Clicking a mention/message notification now prefers to reuse an account window rather than opening a new one
Added tooltips to tweet buttons and window tabs
Improved performance in various places
Added keyboard shortcut for switching between Thread/Replies tabs: 'Option-Tab'
Fixed upside-down user profile banners
Fixed a memory leak that manifested when streaming a very busy timeline
Fixed an old decoding bug that could cause truncated tweets when translating
Fixed issue that prevented the Page Up/Down keys from scrolling the timeline
Fixed issue that prevented Translate from appearing in the Action ⋯ menu
Fixed issue that prevented Delete/Edit Tweet from appearing in the Action ⋯ menu on your own tweets
Fixed issue where the app thought it was still streaming when in fact it had disconnected


What's everyone saying?

Ethan Marcotte

'I couldn't use Twitter without Twitterrific.'

Ethan Marcotte — @beep

  • Twitterrific 5.3.2. Fixed a bug that caused a crash when loading new tweets, fixed pixelated alternate app icons, and tweaked some other odds and ends. Fixed an issue that could cause the app to crash when loading new tweets; Fixed a bug that prevented sending an '=' symbol in direct messages.
  • The folks over at The Iconfactory have posted up a notice today that, even in the face of more restrictive Twitter API rules, the next version of its beloved client Twitterrific will launch as.

John Siracusa

'Twitterrific's unified timeline matches the way I think about Twitter: a single, chronological stream of tweets, regardless of type. The fact that Twitterrific is also a great Twitter client with all the other features you'd expect—including separate views for mentions, DMs, etc.—is just icing on the cake.'

John Siracusa — @siracusa


What's everyone saying?

Ethan Marcotte

'I couldn't use Twitter without Twitterrific.'

Ethan Marcotte — @beep

  • Twitterrific 5.3.2. Fixed a bug that caused a crash when loading new tweets, fixed pixelated alternate app icons, and tweaked some other odds and ends. Fixed an issue that could cause the app to crash when loading new tweets; Fixed a bug that prevented sending an '=' symbol in direct messages.
  • The folks over at The Iconfactory have posted up a notice today that, even in the face of more restrictive Twitter API rules, the next version of its beloved client Twitterrific will launch as.

John Siracusa

'Twitterrific's unified timeline matches the way I think about Twitter: a single, chronological stream of tweets, regardless of type. The fact that Twitterrific is also a great Twitter client with all the other features you'd expect—including separate views for mentions, DMs, etc.—is just icing on the cake.'

John Siracusa — @siracusa

'Twitterrific's unified timeline matches the way I think about Twitter: a single, chronological stream of tweets, regardless of type. The fact that Twitterrific is also a great Twitter client with all the other features you'd expect—including separate views for mentions, DMs, etc.—is just icing on the cake.'.

Michael Lopp

'A daily corner of my desktop feels revitalized.'

Michael Lopp — @rands

Manuel Alejandro López Zarzosa

Docxtor 1 2 download free. 'Now I can finally use the best client on all my devices!'

Manuel Alejandro López Zarzosa — @manuelale69

Alex Waddell

'I've been an active participant in the Phoenix Kickstarter beta and I'm delighted with the final app. Its elegant features, combined with lot of great UI touches, make Twitter a delight to use on the Mac again.'

Alex Waddell — @alexwaddell

Daniel Jalkut

'It's exciting to see the very first Twitter client being rethought in 2017 as the very newest one.'

Daniel Jalkut — @danielpunkass

Brent Simmons

'I switched immediately. It was like coming home.'

Brent Simmons — @brentsimmons

Seth Roby

'Twitterrific makes Twitter simple, fun, and quick. Thank you for bringing it back to the Mac, where I still spend most of my days.'

Twitterrific 5 For Twitter 5 2 35

Seth Roby — @TALlama

'Twitterrific has the potential to make bored users fall in love with Twitter all over again.'

Christine Preusler —

Twitterrific 5 For Twitter 5 2 36

'My favorite Twitter client.'

Robyn Oglesby — MacSources

'Features the same finesse that we've seen in Twitterrific for iOS, but at the same time, also leverages all the features offered by macOS.'

Preshit Deorukhkar — Beautiful Pixels

'The Iconfactory has given users a high degree of control over how Twitterrific looks within a clean, easy-to-read design.'

Twitterrific 5 For Twitter 5 2 30

John Voorhees — MacStories

Clip 1 2 3. 'Packs a ton of features into the new app..fantastic keyboard and accessibility support, delightful sounds, and a few nostalgic Easter eggs from past incarnations.'

Chris De Jabet — Full City Press

'The app delivers a good handful of features Mac users will like.'

Sarah Perez — TechCrunch

Twitterrific 5 For Twitter 5 2 32

4kvideo downloader. 'Finally, a modern desktop Twitter client that not only looks amazing and performs, but offers all the features you would expect. So relieved to have Twitterrific resurrected!'

R.C. Rains — @shadowbottle

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